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The barely surviving survival guide for mums working from home – Part 2

The barely surviving survival guide for mums working from home – Part 2

Week two working from home with the kids, we seem to be holding up so far, my husband is not under the floorboards and all of my hair is still intact, albeit a little greyer. 

I have learned that the typical nine to five just will not fly under these circumstances, I get stressed, the kids get stressed, so I found that breaking my day up to be really helpful. Here is a typical working day for me, that allows me to still be a parent:

9.30-12pm – We have our team Skype meeting and I do some work for an hour or two. Here I ply the children with snacks and a movie.

12-1pm – Lunch. 

1-2pm – The youngest has his nap. I make any important calls I need to make and spend one on one time with my girls, usually working on their reading and spelling, as it is difficult to do those while Captain Tantrum is awake.

2-5pm – Homeschooling and playing with the kids – this is not a rigid structure, we kind of go with the flow as it is quite difficult to cater to the needs of three children of different ages. We do our best and that’s all that matters.

7.30pm – I get back to my laptop and catch up on work while the kids are in bed.

I tend to schedule my important phone calls, talking to journalists and clients when my toddler is taking his afternoon nap. Honestly, if he stops taking his nap during this whole thing, I may well just go a bit crazy.

We have had some lovely times this week, craft is always a winner with my kids and an easy win when I can’t think of something for them to do.

Those of you with kids? How have you been managing work this week?